Monday, 23 April 2007

not at all a dusty wine

Yes, this blog is all about the nice wine CoznOb lreft us, but we felt this one deserved a special mention.

The lovely Snerg and even lovelier DestructoMeg came around to dinner one night and amongst the many bottles of wine they provided, there was this one.

I was loathe to ask where he got it from, but it amused the lot of us.

And it didn't taste toooo bad.


Destructomeg said...

oo! lovlier huh? What are you after?!!!!

I love that Snerg looks completely dodgy in that photo.

He 'won' that wine and 11 others just as dodge as a 'prize'. Uh huh sure you did honey.

Cozalcoatl said...

We have a great Wine Loft here, very civilised. Lots of wine and games, just like home.